“Yoga for me is much more than just a beautiful pose. Yoga is being present, feeling the rhythm of your breath and calming your mind, taking a moment to notice and get in touch with yourself” - Flavia

Meet Flavia Franco

I’m Flavia, a 27-year-old passionate Yoga Teacher, who found in Prenatal Yoga the support I needed during my pregnancy, and now I make a living guiding other moms in this journey. I’m happily married and just had my first baby, who joins me for Baby and Me Yoga Classes!

I love being outdoors in nature, exploring new places, traveling, and trying new things. I skateboard, surf, and snowboard. I like plants, books, watching sitcoms, and laughing about silly videos on Instagram. I really like exercising, but I also enjoy sitting on the couch when my baby allows it! But lately what I love the most is being with my family and friends, they are my village <3

I see pre/postnatal yoga as a portal, which will help pregnant people and babies during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, preparing the mind, body, and soul for labor and parenthood.

Teaching philosophy

My goal is to create a safe environment for parents in and out of the class, nourishing this important moment in their lives, bringing awareness to their bodies and peace to their minds.


My Yoga Journey

My story with Yoga started when I was 15 years old, attending yoga classes in my hometown back in Brazil. After many years as a practitioner, I graduated from my 200-hr YTT course in December 2022 with Tales Nunes from Vida de Yoga in Brazil.

Right after graduating, in January 2023, I found out I was expecting my first child, which made me decide to get a certification as a Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga with PYLV Prenatal Yoga School in an 85-hr RPYT course.

Since then I’ve been teaching Prenatal, Postpartum, and Baby and Me Yoga classes, sharing great moments and experiences with the community of moms in Las Vegas.

My certifications

  • YTT-200: Yoga Teacher Training by Yoga Alliance from Brazil. 200-hr course with Tales Nunes from Vida de Yoga, Brazil.

  • RPYT-85: Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training with Angela Reis from PYLV Prenatal Yoga School, Las Vegas.

  • Currently enrolled in 200-hr RPYT course with House of Om Yoga School, Bali, to become a Registered Teacher by Yoga Alliance.